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order_status uuid

The order_status method returns the data of the order with the selected uuid created by the AtomicDEX API node. The response is different for maker and taker orders.

uuidstringuuid of order to display

  "userpass": "testpsw",
  "method": "order_status",
  "uuid": "c3b3105c-e914-4ed7-9f1c-604783b054a1"

{ "error": "Order with uuid c3b3105c-e914-4ed7-9f1c-604783b054a1 is not found" }

typestringtype of the order ("Maker" or "Taker")
orderobjectA standard OrderData object.
base_orderbook_tickerstringThe orderbook ticker for base coin. This field is used to group segwit and non-segwit versions of UTXO coins.
rel_orderbook_tickerstringThe orderbook ticker for rel coin. This field is used to group segwit and non-segwit versions of UTXO coins.

typestringtype of the order ("Maker" or "Taker")
orderobjectorder data
order.created_atnumbertimestamp of order creation
order.requestobjectdetails of requested trade
order.request.basestringbase currency
order.request.base_amountnumberbase currency amount
order.request.base_amount_ratrational numberbase currency amount as rational number
order.request.relstringrel currency
order.request.rel_amountnumberrel currency amount
order.request.rel_amount_ratrational numberrel currency amount as rational number
order.request.actionstringbuy or sell
order.request.uuidstringTaker order UUID
order.request.methodstringDeprecated field, which always has the value request.
order.request.sender_pubkeystringPubkey of Taker
order.request.dest_pub_keystringreserved for future use. The dest_pub_key allows the user to choose the P2P node that is eligible to match with the request. This value defaults to "zero pubkey", meaning that anyone can match
order.request.match_by.typestringOrders to select specific uuids; Pubkeys to select specific nodes; Defaults to Any
order.request.conf_settingsobjectbase/rel confirmation/notarisation settings
order.matchesobjectDetails of matching Maker Order UUIDs
order.order_typeobjectA standard OrderType object.
order.matcheslistUUIDS of matching orders
order.base_orderbook_tickerstringthe ticker of the base currency if orderbook_ticker is configured for the base currency in coins file. If not defined, will return a null value.
order.rel_orderbook_tickerstringthe ticker of the rel currency if orderbook_ticker is configured for the rel currency in coins file. If not defined, will return a null value.
order.cancellablebooleantrue if order is in a state which it can be cancelled. false if not (e.g. swap is in progress)
cancellation_reasonstringCancelled indicates order was withdrawn by user. Fulfilled indicates order was swapped successfully. TimedOut indicates a taker order with type FillOrKill expired before matching.